Conditions + Treatments

In 2013, I hurt my shoulder my senior year in high school. After softball season ended, I went to see Dr. Emily Casey the day after graduation to get checked out. I was very nervous because I had already signed a softball scholarship. So when my MRI results came back as tendonitis I was relieved. But after an entire summer of PT, then PT during my basically entire Fall semester of college, and 1 cortisone shot later, the only option left was surgery.
So on December 17, 2013 I had surgery. While in surgery Dr. Dugas found out that I had a SLAP Type II.
After a tough and painful 5 months of PT, I started throwing again.
Finally, on February 3, 2015 prayers were answered, and I was able to step out on the diamond for my very first college softball game a Jefferson Davis Community College Warhawk!!