Conditions + Treatments

My name is Elijah Roberts, I am from Addison, AL and I play basketball for Addison High School. I got hurt in our game against a county team. During the game, I fell on my dominant wrist and felt a shooting pain. I went to the ER at St. Vincent’s, and they told me I had fractured my wrist.
I was evaluated by Dr. Rachel Henderson at Andrews Sports Medicine. We had been to Andrews before because my brother had a knee injury and came here. I was in the cast for about 3 weeks and had follow up appointments with Dr. Henderson every week and a half.
My family and I were at church the day before one of my follow up appointments and our pastor wanted to pray over me. He prayed that the doctor would say my wrist had healed quicker than expected and that I would be able to get back on the court in no time.
I had my appointment with Dr. Henderson, and she evaluated my wrist again. She said that it had healed faster than she expected. I had an x-ray and it showed how fast it was healing. I was so grateful to hear her say that.
I had to wear a brace for 2 more weeks and in the 5th week after my injury, I played in the final 2 games of the season, in our county tournament. At the beginning of wearing the brace, I didn’t like it at all. I felt restricted from what I could do on the court. Even though it was uncomfortable, I pushed through and got better.
In the tournament, I scored 22 points, 18 rebounds, 13 steals, and had several assists. I thought for sure I’d be out the rest of the year. My family and I were so happy that I was able to finish my basketball season with my teammates and was able to help our team win the county tournament.
I would definitely recommend Andrews Sports Medicine to anyone. I am so thankful for the Lord, Dr. Henderson, and Andrews Sports Medicine for getting me back in the game!