Conditions + Treatments

As an athlete in two sports (basketball and track), I stay very active. Toward the end of my basketball season, I made a three-point shot and came down awkwardly on my right ankle. After that moment, I could not play and was hobbling. Since I was still limping, Lauren Aymat, the athletic trainer at my school, Liberty Park Middle School, referred me to Andrews Sports Medicine.
A staff member with Andrews Sports Medicine called my dad and scheduled an appointment with Dr. Christopher Carter the next day at their Ascension St. Vincent's One Nineteen clinic location.
At the appointment, Dr. Carter reviewed my x-rays and explained that I had fractured the growth plate in my right ankle. He recommended I wear a boot for the next 3-4 weeks and I was fitted for a boot on site.
When the boot was removed, I was prescribed routine exercises to complete. I was now ready to start track practice as the season was beginning.
Shortly after that, I was at a friend’s house and unfortunately, I injured the same ankle again. I experienced shooting pain on the top part of my ankle. Physical therapy was recommended for the next two weeks. With ATI Physical Therapy onsite at my school for the athletic program, I was fortunate to receive therapy daily.
I am very grateful for the relationship that my athletic trainer had with Andrews Sports Medicine to get me immediate care after my injury.