Mary Katherine Cleveland

Homewood, AL

Conditions + Treatments

Medical Icon Ankle Arthroscopy Surgery
Medical Icon Ankle Injury

My name is Mary Katherine Cleveland. I grew up in Homewood, AL and attended Homewood High School.

Growing up, I loved playing sports and was very active. My favorite sport to play quickly became soccer and by the time I reached middle school I was playing through the entire year. Once I reached 8th grade I began playing for the school in the spring time and remained in club soccer during the fall.

From playing sports throughout the entire year, I was no stranger to injuries. I had had some minor ankle sprains, a broken toe, a broken arm, and countless bruises and scrapes, but I had never had a major injury.

My junior year of soccer was already turning out to be vastly different from previous seasons. At the beginning of the school season, our coach informed us that our regular goalie would be out for the entire season due to an injury. As a result, another teammate and I were trained to play this position instead of our usual roles.

On April 28, 2017, during my junior year of high school, we began playoffs for soccer, with a match scheduled against Chelsea that night. I was eventually rotated into the goal. About halfway through the second half, the opposing team took a long shot at the goal. I jumped to catch the ball, but as I came down, I landed awkwardly on the outside of my right ankle.

I immediately sensed that something was wrong. I heard a pop at the moment of impact and experienced an intense amount of pain. Having previously sprained my left ankle badly the year before, I knew this injury was likely even worse. I fell to the ground, unable to stand or put any weight on my foot. Eventually, a golf cart arrived to transport me to the bench, where the athletic trainer examined my foot. She informed me that there was little she could do beyond wrapping it in ice and providing crutches.

The injury occurred on a Friday night, and by Monday, I had an AP Chemistry exam. It was too late to be excused or to reschedule the exam, so I only managed to see a doctor on Tuesday. By then, my ankle was so swollen that my entire leg began changing colors.

Finally, on Tuesday, May 2, 2017, I visited Andrews Sports Medicine, where I saw Dr. Norman Waldrop. He assessed my ankle, reviewed the X-ray, and determined that I would need an MRI for a complete evaluation of the damage. Dr. Waldrop diagnosed my injury as a grade 3 sprain, explaining that it was almost as if I had dislocated my ankle, with it popping back into place due to my sock, cleats, and the athletic trainer's initial examination. He advised that surgery was likely the best option and that the MRI would confirm this.

Later that day, I underwent the MRI, and it was confirmed that we would proceed with ankle surgery. While I wasn’t surprised, having discussed the situation with my dad and Dr. Waldrop, and understanding that surgery was the best course of action to prevent future ankle problems, I was still anxious. This would be my first major surgery, and I was apprehensive about the tough recovery ahead and the possibility of missing my last year of soccer.

My surgery took place on May 8, 2017, and included an ankle arthroscopy and ligament reconstruction repair. The procedure went perfectly, and I was even able to take my second AP exam for English just two days after the surgery.

I was non-weight bearing and using a scooter for just over two weeks. On May 23, I had my first follow-up visit, during which my stitches were removed. Dr. Waldrop explained the details of the surgery and outlined the recovery process. One concern was that after the stitches were removed, I would need to be put in a cast. While this was manageable, our family had a cruise planned the following week to celebrate my brother’s graduation. We were worried about how to keep the cast dry, especially with small showers on the cruise. Dr. Waldrop listened to our concerns and helped us find a practical solution.

After about five weeks of non-weight bearing, five weeks of gradually weaning off crutches, and three months of transitioning out of a boot and undergoing physical therapy, I was finally back to normal. I was able to join my club soccer team for the last four games of the season and was fully healed and in shape for school soccer. I started in my original position and had one of my best seasons. Even when I went to Auburn for college, I participated in intramural sports without any issues. Since graduating, I have remained active and have not experienced any pain or problems related to the injury.

Dr. Waldrop was exceptional. Every time I went in for a checkup, it felt more like a conversation with a friend than a visit to the doctor. He was approachable and truly listened to my concerns and issues. He provided a clear understanding of the recovery process and offered practical advice on how to ensure a smooth and timely recovery.

My positive experience with Andrews Sports Medicine was so impactful that I returned several times, though not as a patient. While in undergrad, I had the opportunity to shadow Dr. Waldrop and other providers. Later, I worked as a marketing and PR intern while completing my Master of Business at Samford. Through these experiences, I witnessed firsthand the genuine care and dedication the entire staff has for their patients.

Though I hope never to face another injury like the one I had in 2017, I am confident that if I ever encounter any other orthopedic issues, Andrews Sports Medicine will be my go-to choice.

My name is Mary Katherine Cleveland, and I believe in Victory Over Injury!!!

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Norman E. Waldrop, III, MD
Norman E. Waldrop, III, MD View Bio