Conditions + Treatments

Hi, my name is Mecia Holley. I am a wife, mom of four boys, and a Speech-Language Pathologist. Our four sons are currently ages 28, 22, 20, and 12.
Growing up, I lived an active lifestyle. Dance and cheer were my passions, and I passed that love for movement to my boys, who were always involved in youth sports. With four active boys, I was always accustomed to being the spectator and cheering from the sidelines.
As my third son entered high school, my husband and I decided to enroll our two youngest boys in Taekwondo, which they thoroughly enjoyed. One day, I was sitting at one of my son’s Taekwondo classes when I thought, “Why am I sitting here when I could be doing this too?” And from there, I started participating in Taekwondo alongside our two youngest sons. Together, we have earned up to a 2nd-degree (Dan) black belts and are continuing our Taekwondo training
Due to my dance and cheer background, I have experienced problems in my knees and hamstrings for years. In the past few years, I have had meniscus repairs on both of my knees with Dr. Lyle Cain, and Dr. Ricardo Colberg treated me with PRP injections for my hamstring.
In 2022, during one of my fitness classes, I experienced a freak accident and immediately knew I had torn something in my hip. As I got up, I definitely knew something was seriously wrong with my hip. I called my brother, a physical therapist, and he got me an appointment at Andrews Sports Medicine to see hip preservation specialist, Dr. Benton Emblom. I had an MRI which showed that my hamstring was completely detached from my hip. During my office visit, Dr. Emblom thoroughly explained my injury, and the risks and recovery journey of surgery. I had surgery 2 weeks later.
Following my surgery, I embarked on one of the most difficult journeys of my life. The days, weeks and months that followed were physically, mentally and emotionally challenging. I was confined to my bed or chair for four long weeks, unable to carry out simple tasks or care for my family. I could not put any weight on my foot, so I had to use a walker. My family rallied around me, taking on the responsibilities I usually shouldered. It was difficult, but their unwavering support reminded me I was not alone in this recovery journey.
Eventually, I began physical therapy, with my brother leading my recovery, and each session tested my willpower and endurance. Weeks turned into months, and slowly but surely, progress became evident. The day that I was released by Dr. Emblom, I returned to a kickboxing fitness class and was excited to start being active again. Shortly after, I resumed Taekwondo training, and my comeback was better than expected. I regained strength and flexibility in my leg and hip, and the pain that plagued me for years faded away. As I pushed my body beyond its limits, I discovered a newfound resilience within myself.
Looking back on that arduous journey, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Every challenge I encountered, every tear I shed, was a stepping stone to a stronger version of myself. I have a deeper appreciation for the ability to be active, especially alongside my family.
I am so grateful for Andrews Sports Medicine. Over the years, I have been treated by a variety of Andrews Sports Medicine doctors - Drs. Cain, Colberg, Cordover, and Emblom - and all have been professional, personable, and have provided excellent patient care. Andrews Sports Medicine is a world-class organization. I feel fortunate to have them right here in Birmingham, and 100% recommend them to anyone who has orthopedic needs.