Conditions + Treatments

My daughter (11-years-old) slid into 3rd base and broke the lower portion of her leg right above her ankle. The pain was tremendous. We went to the local urgent care, where they x-rayed and immediately told us she would probably require surgery.
The next morning we debated going to a local doctor versus driving an hour to the Andrews Sport Medicine. It was an easy decision, but the only problem was could we quickly get into see the doctor. My daughter was still in pain.
My cousin's daughter played on the University of Alabama soccer team and had a couple of knee surgeries at Andrews. Her dad spoke very highly of this facility.
My wife called and explained the circumstances and the person on the phone said if you can be here by 11 a.m. we can see her. We raced to St. Vincent's Birmingham and barely made it there on time.
Long story short, my daughter had surgery that day at 2:30 p.m. Dr. Norman Waldrop placed 2 screws in her lower leg.
I cannot say enough about Dr. Waldrop as well as the staff of Andrews Sports Medicine. The staff of the surgical floor were also prenominal. My daughter didn't even feel them put the IV in her arm. She was very anxious since she had never had surgery before. The staff put a lot of effort into entertaining my daughter, especially after they took her back. Honestly, after the surgery she said it was fun. This means a lot to me as I myself do not like hospitals.
Dr. Waldrop and staff made this difficult experience as tolerable for my daughter as it could have ever been. Honestly I cannot say anything could have been any better than what we experienced at Andrews. Thanks a ton for everything.