Conditions + Treatments

In the fall of 2012, I began experiencing intense pain in my right shoulder. I decided to do some research online and found Dr. Lyle Cain in Birmingham.
I called and made an appointment with Dr. Cain. He performed a physical exam and suggested an MRI. After reviewing the MRI, Dr. Cain confirmed I had a tear in my right rotator cuff. Soon after, Dr. Cain performed rotator cuff repair surgery. Following months of intense rehab, the pain and discomfort were completely gone.
In June of 2015, I began experiencing pain in my other shoulder. Initially, I visited my local, internal medicine doctor, whom suggested an MRI. The radiologist reviewed my MRI and said everything looked normal. Unfortuantely, I continued to experience even more intense pain the next few days, so I decided reach back out to Dr. Cain's office, to get a second opinion. I submitted my MRI to Dr. Cain and he diagnosed severe biceps tendonitis. Dr. Cain performed arthroscopic surgery, confirmed I had significant biceps tendon inflammation and performed a bicep tenodesis procedure.
Four weeks into my rehab, I began experiencing fire burning type pain in my upper arm. Dr. Cain continued to monitor my situation and determined it was most likely an neck issue and referred me to Dr. Ricardo Colberg for an evaluation and additional diagnostic testing. After reviewing the MRI, Dr. Colberg determined I had a pinched nerve and recommended conservative treatment. Dr. Colberg referred me to a PM&R physician outside of the Andrews practice. The physician performed a series of cervical blocks, but unfortunately, neither worked for me.
After discussing the next steps with Dr. Colberg, we agreed that I should make an appointment with Andrews spine specialist, Dr. Andrew Cordover. I was confident in seeing Dr. Cordover since a family member had previously seen him for a spine issue and had a wonderful outcome. Dr. Cordover ordered a mylegram, CT scan and nerve conductor test. Two days later, Dr. Cordover performed an anterior cervical fusion, a minimally invasive surgery. I spent one night in the hospital since we live in Montgomery.
My comeback story is still in process; however, I know the Andrews physicians have provided me with the absolute best care during the last 4 years. I am thankful to Dr. Cain, Dr. Colberg and Dr. Cordover for their teamwork in helping me overcome my various conditions.