Conditions + Treatments

I was at track & field practice one day in the Spring of 2018 when I came to a stop from sprinting and I felt a huge pop in my knee.
I honestly did not think anything of it because my knees pop and hurt often. I thought I would get over the pain, but as time went on the pain started to increase. The next day I went to the doctor & had an MRI, which revealed medial & lateral meniscus tears as well as MCL and ACL sprain/partial tears. I underwent a knee arthroscopy at another orthopaedic practice in March, 2018.
After the surgery, I continued to have pain on the inner portion of my knee and it just didn't feel very stable. I tried bracing my knee, but that doe not really help the instability much. I was hoping that after my first knee arthroscopy I would be feeling back to normal and preparing for the Spring track & field season. Unfortunately, that was not the case, I proceeded to inform my coaches that the pain was bothering me and that's when our athletic trainer contacted Andrews Sports Medicine and assisted me in scheduling an appointment with Dr. Lyle Cain as soon as possible.
My first appointment with Dr. Cain was in November, 2018. During the appointment, Dr. Cain had a long discussion with my mom and me regarding my diagnosis. He believed that when I was younger I had Blount's disease and this result of varus deformity to the proximal tibia which was visible on the x-rays. I had some depression on the medial aspect of the tibia with some varus deformity in the proximal tibia itself. He suggested that we start with hip, knee, and ankle alignment film and a new MRI to further evaluate my lateral ligamentous complex as well as my ACL.
The images from my x-ray showed that I had a deep posterior slope for about 30 degrees on the tibia. Dr. Cain explained that the procedure would consist of a high tibial osteotomy to correct my valgus and posterior slope. He also said that he may be able to also do a lateral ligament reconstruction and possible ACL reconstruction. He discussed all the risk, benefits and recovery process from having this surgery.
In January, 2019 is when I decided to proceed with surgery with Dr. Cain. He performed a left knee partial medial meniscectomy and high tibial osteotomy with iliac crest autograft.
After my surgery, I started physical therapy the next day and was non-weight bearing for six weeks. I am now three months post-op and I feel so much better. I had to use two crutches and weight bear fully for one week and then transition to one crutch and weight bear for another week without a crutch.
I am now wearing a brace for 4 more weeks while in public. I have not been able to fully get back on the field with my team, but I am extremely thankful for Dr. Cain and the staff at Andrews Sports Medicine for the excellent patient service and care.