Biceps tendonitis is a problem with a tendon in your elbow.
what is it?
This is a problem with a tendon in your elbow. It's called the "distal biceps tendon." It connects the biceps muscle of your upper arm to the radius bone at the elbow. With this condition, the tendon becomes painfully inflamed or irritated.
what causes it?
Tendonitis is caused by intense activity that puts a lot of strain on your elbow. It's also caused by overuse. Bending the elbow or twisting the wrist over and over again can cause it. Biceps tendonitis is a problem for weightlifters, gymnasts and rock climbers. It's also a problem for laborers who do a lot of work with their arms. You raise your risk if you suddenly increase your activity level especially if you don't use good training techniques.
signs and symptoms
Tendonitis can cause pain at the front of your elbow. It hurts more when you bend your elbow or when you turn your palm up. Your forearm may feel weak.
non-surgical treatment
Treatment options include rest, ice, medications and physical therapy.
surgical treatment
If these don't help, you may need surgery. Your healthcare provider can create a plan that's right for you.
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