Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentration (BMAC)

Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate (BMAC) is fast becoming the treatment of choice for everyone

WHAt are the benefits?

BMAC therapy is a promising non-surgical regenerative treatment used to treat various chronic orthopedic injuries, including moderate to severe osteoarthritis and tendon injures. BMC is a concentrate of regenerative stem cells obtained from a patient’s own bone marrow. 

  • Less side effects when compared to steroid injections or surgery
  • Reservoir of stem cells
  • Regenerative properties
  • Natural and organic from your own body
  • Speeds up and promotes healing
  • Minimal to no down time 
  • Minimally invasive 

What are bone marrow stem cells?

The immature stem cells inside your bone marrow have the potential to develop into mature bone. Two of these main stem cells found in bone marrow include:

  • Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to the three classes of blood cells in circulation: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. These cells drive tissue regeneration and create supportive circulation.
  • Mesenchymal stem cells also known as Marrow Stromal Cells have the capacity to form osteoblasts or bone structure, chondrocytes or cartilage, and myocytes or muscles.

What to Expect

The area of extraction is locally numbed so pain is minimal. Bone marrow is extracted from the back of the patient's pelvis from an area called the posterior iliac crest. This process takes less than 5 minutes, but the entire BMAC injection procedure may take up to one hour. After extraction, a suctioned syringe attached to a long needle is used to reach the posterior aspect of the hip. The collected sample is transferred through a filter into a specialized device which is then placed into a centrifuge. Spinning at over 3,000 revolutions per minute, the platelets and stem cells from the bone marrow sample are now separated and concentrated. This concentration of stem cells and healing components, collectively known as the bone marrow concentrate are reintroduced to the injured area.   

The healing process

The majority of patients are able to return to their usual activities within 1 to 2 days but some pain may be felt for up to one week. The concentrated cells accelerate the healing process, promote strength, offer pain relief and improve overall function. The healing cascade can be active and take place over 4 to 6 weeks. A follow-up PRP procedure may be recommended if desired relief is not met. 

Are there any risks?

Bone marrow extractions are safe procedures when conducted by a trained professional in a sterile environment. Complications are rare but include:

  • Bleeding, particularly in patients with a low platelet count or clotting disorder.
  • Infection, in patients with weakened immune systems. Antibiotics are given post extraction to prevent infection. 

Does insurance pay for bmac?

Most insurance companies do not cover the BMAC injection. However, most patients can use their healthcare flexible spending account to pay for the procedure.

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